Snack Attack - MEAL SHAKE & CHEWABLE VIT C for Toddlers.

Without a doubt- Snacking is a major pastime for most kids.

Snacking itself isn't necessarily a bad thing. Young children frequently need one or two snacks a day. You can't expect your children to settle with fruit slices and water if you are hoovering handfuls of crisps.

"Sabrina Dosani"

Well, kite sendiri facing problem dengan Adam. He refuce to eat rice and vegetables. Senang cerita, he is picky eater. As a normal worried mom, i choose to give him supplement to make sure his appetite change.
On first week, his appetite shows some positive changes. Kalau dullu langsung tak nak makan. But now, dah boleh makan 2-3 suap. Kite start consume MEAL SHAKE, SHAKLEE after raya aidilfitri tahun ni. Kiranya, Start consume bulan 8. Syukur sangat. Siap mintak tambah lagi kalau bagi makan mihun goreng.

But as usual, toddlers kan kadang-kadang having swing mood and tantrum. Sometimes appetite die tak ade langsung. Tak makan nasi. Nak makan keropok je. Luckily, Adam ni suka makan buah. So, legalah hati ni.

But These past few weeks, Bulan December ni, Die demam 2 kali. Appetite terus x ade. First week of December, Die batuk ,demam, selesema. 2 Minggu lamenya. Sedih  sangat. Lepas tu, Minggu lepas, start hari Jumaat lepas sampai hari ni, Die Selsema, batuk and tonsil. Terus Tak nak makan nasi. And guess what?? He got a brilliant idea to Kemam ape sahaja lauk+nasi kat lelangit die. Sometimes can stand for 2 hours long!! Punyalah nekad tak nak makan nasik! End up, die muntahkan nasi tu. Pedih hati ni.

After consult with a few Paed before this, as long as he wants to drink milk and tak dehydrated, its ok. It is normal. Next month, ingat nak bagi Adam consume chewable vit C, Shaklee pulak. But of course still consume MEAL SHAKE at the same time.

Apa sahaja untuk anak!!! huhuhuhu.

013-2999 408
COD Area :
Sri Gombak,
Taman Selayang Mulia,
Taman Indah Gemilang


Hiking, Photography and Travelling is my passion. Recently quit my job and now SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) while focusing to getting my normal body shape by consuming Shaklee product. Sama-samalah kita kurus dan sihat dengan Shaklee!!

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